Early Childhood Matters 2022

Every day, caregivers, professionals, politicians and policymakers all take actions that profoundly impact children’s lives. We assume these decisions are made rationally. But life can get in the way of best intentions. Everyone, especially parents, get tired, busy and stressed.

Behavioural science takes our realities and imperfections in account, offering evidence-based, empathetic solutions to many caregiving challenges.

In this edition of Early Childhood Matters, we explore why behavioural science can and should be rooted in all areas of caregiving, from reading at home to the doctor’s waiting room and how governments are starting to take note.


Behavioural insights, ideas and action for the early years

Behavioural science insights

Connecting behavioural science and early childhood development: opportunities and misperceptions

Implementing behavioural science ideas

Applying a behavioural approach starts with research, testing, and adaptation

Behavioural science in action

Behavioural solutions at scale that increase positive outcomes for young children and caregivers

Issue Colophon

Advisory Board: Florencia Lopez Boo. Lead economist, Inter-American Development Bank
Advisory Board: Josh Martin. Independent innovation expert
Advisory Board: Lisa A. Gennetian. Professor in the Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University
Advisory Board: Sam Sternin. Behavioural science advisor, Bernard van Leer Foundation.
Managing editor: Hannah Rothschild
Guest editor: Irene Caselli
Contributing editors: Andrew Wright
Text editing: Margaret Mellor
Design: Hallo Mondo
Portrait illustrations: Cléa Dieudonné
Section illustrations: Sjoerd van Leeuwen
Social media consultant: Shaun Lavelle
Communication: Alexis Camejo and Mariana Perez Cruz
Online platform: Wolf&Player

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