Early Childhood Matters 2019

Anyone working to make life better for babies, toddlers and their caregivers will find knowledge and inspiration in the 2019 edition of Early Childhood Matters. Readers will gain insight into work being done to improve opportunities for young children from Chad to China, from Romania to India, from Peru to Kyrgyzstan. Across the 32 articles, authors explore how young children and their caregivers can be supported in areas as diverse as nutrition, refugees, street design, and mobile technology.

Authors include María Fernanda Espinosa, President of the United Nations General Assembly; Daniel Kablan Duncan, Vice-President of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire; Hugo de Jonge, Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands; Geraldo Júlio, Mayor of Recife; Kate Hampton, Chief Executive Officer of the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation; and Gerda Verburg, Coordinator of the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement.


To thrive: a goal for children everywhere

Joan Lombardi


Global impressions

Bold leadership – or as we see it, the ability to mobilise people to solve important problems collectively – is crucial to achieving results for young children. In this section, leaders from governments, international organisations and funders around the world talk about why they have chosen to put babies, toddlers and the people who care for them high on their agenda.


There are many pathways to scale – taking a successful small programme, and making it work for hundreds of thousands of children – but the challenges are complex. In this section, practitioners and policymakers explore issues such as coordinating across different parts of government, financing, recruiting and training large numbers of workers, testing and learning, and putting systems in place that deliver consistent, cost-effective quality.


Before good practices can be taken to scale, we first need good ideas. In this section, we focus on innovations – new or emerging programmes, policies or services which have the potential to meet the needs of young children and their caregivers in a wider range of contexts.

Global impressions

In this section, we present brief summaries of initiatives, publications or other resources which have come to our attention in the past year and which we believe deserve a wider audience.

Issue Colophon

Production editor: Teresa Moreno
Guest editor: Joan Lombardi
Consultant editor: Andrew Wright
Text editing: Margaret Mellor
Graphic design: Laura de Jongh
Illustrations: Gemma Pauwels
Production support: Cathleen Owens

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